Catholic Campus

Social Gatherings

Formal and informal gatherings are always happening within the CCM! There are always students around doing homework, playing board games, swing dancing, playing volleyball and more!

Sunday Supper

Sunday Suppers are held for students, by students. Every other Sunday of the semester at 5:30PM, we gather at the Newman House to share in fun and fellowship. There is dinner, volleyball, cornhole, bonfires, swing dancing, games, and more.

Intermural Sports

This is a great way to get involved and hang out with people in an active way! Sports can include flag football, soccer, ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, basketball, tennis, inner tube water polo, softball, and more based on student interest! Look for sign ups every semester!

“Although I have my friends from classes and dorm life, Newman has been the greater community of support to me as a person because I am not afraid to show all aspects of myself here. We are united in faith which has brought us all together in a comforting and refreshing way. Newman has helped me to realize my gifts and has given me opportunities to share and cultivate them. It is my home away from home, but instead of five brothers and sisters, I have tons of loving, familiar faces to journey the rocky road of college with. It has challenged my beliefs and enlightened me with new perspectives on the benefit of service, the strength of community, and the purpose of faith.”