Catholic Campus

Small Group Bible Studies

Partnership with FOCUS

The Newman Community has worked with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) since 2015 to reach more students on campus. One such method to reach students where they are is through Small Groups.

Small Groups, led by students and missionaries, are faith sharing groups that meet on a weekly basis. They allow students to come together in community to recognize the presence of God in their daily lives and work on putting their faith into action. They are a great way to meet other members of the Newman Community and to discuss and contemplate your faith with other young Catholic adults.

“My freshman year I was very hesitant to join a small group. It sounded kind of boring – just another commitment that I would skip when it came time for exams. While that is where I started, I’ve since learned and experienced a lot more about small group. Through the study of the Bible and most importantly, the amazing men in my small group, I have truly come to experience my faith in a new way.

While our small groups do primarily focus on reading and discussing scripture, that is hardly the end. After all, we are all capable of reading on our own or at least I hope that is the case by this point in our lives. It’s the friendships that I’ve made that have truly been life changing. I’ve had a lot of great friendships in the past and, I’m not discrediting any of them, but through my years in small group, I’ve found a very different kind of friendship. I’ve built some of the most authentic friendships that I have ever experienced: rooted in Christ and focused on helping each other to become the best men that we can be. THAT is an authentic friendship. There’s something really powerful about a group of guys (or any friends for that matter) all focused on the same goal, with the same values walking side by side, trusting each other and helping each other in any way needed. That’s what I’ve found in small group- a group of men that I know would do anything for me and know that I would do the same for them as we all strive to become saints together.”
